"It all started back in the Summer of 1984. Footloose was playing on the stereo and I was opening the doors to my brand new office for the first time. It was two rooms at 19 Front Street, in Port Jervis, NY.
The challenges I faced as a small business owner were many. I was the CPA, the cleaning service, the marketing and the PR, the maintenance guy and whatever else came up! This meant long hours 7 days a week. I realized I didn't want to live to work. I wanted to work to live! My second child had just been born and I wanted to be able to be part of their lives, not just the guy who paid the bills.
This is when I began to develop ways of making my life easier. As I began to grow my business, I found that many of my small business clients faced the same challenges I had faced. I began to offer my clients the solutions that had worked for me and to my surprise, every one of my clients said my services were exactly what they had been looking for!
II helped clients manage their business finances correctly, I became their tax preparer of choice, their payroll service provider and their go-to person when the IRS started knocking on their door.
Over the years my solutions have spread over the US as clients have moved and recommended me. We have every type of business under the sun as our client. Thanks to technology we stay close and provide each client with as little or as much assistance as they need.
The one thing that has not changed and will not change is our customer service. Our phones continue to be answered by a warm and friendly human that actually knows what's going on. We continue to go above and beyond for our clients. And most importantly, we are always available to guide you, answer questions or just catch up about family!"
- Elliot Gurian